Wednesday, August 24, 2011


パッケージには、Copain からメッセージが。


The special present came to my home from Johanna.

Oh, what a nice present!
The package from her always have good taste.

There Copain is<3.
Let check the link and know about cute Copain.

Guten-Tag, Copain!
I'm so happy to see you again, too:->.

「 Hi! 」

I gave a name to him "Toncon" with love, because he has a nice hat like Tongari-cone (Japanese popular snack).

ドイツの雑誌「The Weekender」、オランダのアートマガジン、お気に入りのショップカード、ジョアンナの写真のポストカード、ジョアンナの展示(Pink Dots Poetry)でのイラスト、ミニノートブック、


The german magazine, and the art magazine from the Netherland, A little card from the shop she likes, A set of postcards with pictures of her, An art print from her exhibition Pink Dots Poetry, A hand made note book...

Oh, I'm almighty glad to getting these great presents.
I always gain inspiration from her good taste.

Thank you so much, Johanna<3.


  1. I´m glad to know the package made a safe travel to your place, and so so happy you like the things I send you! :)

    I like the name Toncon! We have some similar snack in Europe.

    And thank you really much for taking those pictures.

    <3 I wish you a nice day,

    Ps: I saw you write me a mail, I´m looking forward to read it and write you back ! :)
    I will do it this weekend, because my family from France is still in Berlin visiting me, so I only spend a few minutes on Internet these days.

  2. Johanna>
    Merci,vraiment merci, Johanna.
    Comme vous êtes gentils!

    I am a lucky person to have met you<3.

    No rush for writing back.
    Please enjoy yourself spending time with your family as much as possible;->.
